Grow your own herb plant. file image
Cape Town - Did you know you can start growing your own herb garden in just a few days?
By growing your own herb garden, you will be helping nature and growing fresh produce for home.
National Geographic Kids says you will need: Empty recycling cans, sandpaper, scissors, scrap construction or wrapping paper, glue, stickers, markers, potting soil, herb seeds, water, labels and wooden craft sticks.
Start by asking an adult to help you with this task by removing the labels from the cans by washing and drying them. Ask the adult to sandpaper the can so that it is smooth and has no rough or sharp edges.
Next, cut the wrapping paper or scrap paper to a size that can fit around the outside of the can, and glue it. Decorate the paper using the stickers, markers or ribbons.
Take a layer of small stones or marbles and place it at the bottom of the can for drainage.
Add the potting soil to the can and
have an adult help you make sure you add enough soil to fill three-quarters of the can. Place a few seeds into the dirt and cover them with the soil.
Throw a small amount of water into the soil and place the can and the herb seeds in a sunny spot.
Watch the herbs begin to grow in just seven to 10 days.
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