Mervin Govender said the complaint was a “smear campaign” against him Mervin Govender
FOLLOWING allegations of misbehaviour and misconduct, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) have distanced itself from party member Mervin Govender.
Govender, the head of the Phoenix Tenants and Residents Association (PTRA), has been accused of collecting money from tenants and not disclosing how much the association had in its coffers.
PTRA is a non-profit organisation, which has been lobbying for the rights of tenants living in privately owned flats in Phoenix and surrounding areas.
It has taken on property development companies which have been collecting money from tenants but failed to maintain the properties.
Khanyisani Khambule, EFF regional secretary, said they had received complaints from some residents about ‘so-called’ EFF members that were led by Govender, who were collecting rent that was meant to be paid to the landlords.
“The Phoenix residents have reported that Mr Govender collects money from residents claiming that the money is kept in a trust fund. He failed to disclose the bank statements of the accumulated money.”
He said when the party officials contacted Govender to explain his alleged conduct, he could not provide an explanation.
“The EFF eThekwini region has taken a stand to distance ourselves from the alleged misconduct by Mr Govender. He does not hold any portfolio in the party is just an ordinary member.”
Govender told the POST that the complaint was a “smear campaign” against him and that he had not collected any of the rent from tenants.
“PTRA was founded because tenants who had rented flats in privately owned complexes in Phoenix and surrounding areas complained about the shoddy workmanship. Others claimed they had been promised ownership of the property after a certain period of renting it.
“We were merely trying to get answers for these tenants. In a recent matter, there were tenants at a complex in Phoenix who were being asked to pay rentals to different landlords. These tenants took a decision to boycott paying their rentals and then they were faced with eviction notices. These tenants came to PRTA for assistance.”
Govender said the only money the PTRA collected was a membership fee.
“Pensioners are charged R50, unemployed residents a R100 and employed residents R200. Every month the association collects about R14 000. This money goes toward the daily running of the association which is for petrol to and from court, telephone bills and other administrative costs.”
Govender said there was no trust that was collecting the rentals of tenants.
“PTRA has partnered with the Legal advisory Information Clinic in Gauteng to help fight these cases.”
“The rentals are not collected by the association and placed into a trust account. The tenants are told to keep their money. When the case is done the bill for the legal team is split and the tenants have to pay.”
He said he was a member of the EFF.
“I had explained myself to the region’s official. This is just a smear campaign against me because I am trying to help people. There are people using underhanded tactics to exploit these tenants and they want to bring the credibility of PTRA down.”