In nine years, she has collected more than 4 000 items that each have a special place in her Westville home. Leena Brijlal with plush toys from her collection
LEENA Brijlal is gaga over dolls and toys.
In nine years, she has collected more than 4 000 items that each have a special place in her Westville home.
From Barbies, Monster High, Strawberry Shortcake, The A Team, The Simpsons, and Asterix and Oblix, Brijlal has them all.
She said her craze started in 2015 when her daughter, Alayah, was three years old.
“Alayah, who is now 12, was Barbie crazy, so it became our thing to collect dolls. As she got older, her interest changed and she was no longer interested in Barbies. I, on the other hand, still enjoyed it and I continued collecting the doll and other items,” said the 45-year-old.
"I initially bought general items from retail stores and then I began buying online, such as eBay, which works out more expensive, and from other collectors.
"Many people in South Africa are collectors. We have group chats and Facebook groups where we buy and sell items. They know what I like and if they have an item they know I would like, they will contact me.
"There is one item I would love to have. Only three people in South Africa have it. It's called a Bild Lilli Barbie doll, which embodies the Barbie creation story."
Brijlal, a housewife, said she had spent a lot of money on the collectables.
"I have dolls, figurines and plush toys from the Smurfs, Bananas in Pyjamas and Postman Pat, just to name a few. I cannot put a monetary value on them because some are invaluable collectables. The most I have spent on a single item is around R4 000."
She keeps her collection in two rooms, secured with gates, that her husband, Merlan Govender, a manager at a crane hire company, built.
“I don’t let anyone touch the items as some are fragile. My children were allowed to play with a few items when they were younger but now they have their own collections according to their interests. For example, my daughter has a small collection of dolls, and my son Teegan, who is 10, collects Marvel and DC Figures and Lego Bioniciles. They also collect Little Pet Shop pets."
She advised others, who may be interested in a similar interest, to "do it as a passion".
"If you collect them as an investment or with the intention of selling them, then it would not be as special.”
Brijlal said her husband supported her hobby.
"He has Hot Wheels collection of more than 500."
Said Merlan: “My wife is quite modest when it comes to the prices she paid for some of the dolls. For example, she spent about R1 000 per doll for the Rainbow High Doll collection and she has about 15 or 16 dolls. There are still many more to add to the collection. Leena also designs and makes clothes for some of the dolls."
He said some of her prized possessions were kept in storage.
"I don't even have space for my Hot Wheels, so we keep them in boxes.”
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