Victoria Webb. Picture: Supplied
Victoria Webb, who is part of the Woodhill College class of 2023, is ecstatic to learn that her approach to studying and her perseverance paid off.
Webb, who shares interesting details about her journey, believes that planning is an essential element of success.
“At the start of 2023, I set my personal goal of achieving six distinctions. Woodhill College’s June exams opened my eyes to the high standard the IEB requires in the exams. I polished my study techniques and, as a result, got the outcome I desired in prelims. Although I was proud of my preliminary results, I knew I had to put more effort into all my subjects to hopefully secure my goal.
“I believe planning is an essential element to success, and so as soon as matriculation started, I divided all academic activities to ensure I was always on the ball. I found that during weekends and exam times, planning one day hourly allowed me to manage my time effectively and to ensure maximum productivity.”
She says matric started at full speed with a packed schedule filled with assignments, tests, and upcoming exams.
“The maths academic year was certainly the busiest grade of my high school career. Although matriculation was academically demanding, I enjoyed the physical sciences, mathematics, and life sciences syllabus.”
Despite having a busy year, Webb says one of the major highlights of her school career was the matric dance, school outings, Grade 11 and 12 camp, biology practicals, and cultural events.
Speaking about her challenge, she said: “My biggest challenge as a senior in high school was living a balanced life. While academics are important, a healthy mind has always been my first priority. To ensure this, I always made time for daily exercise, whether it was in the form of walking, gyming, running, or yoga. I found that during this time to myself, I was always grounded and recharged to face another task.”
Webb wants to make an impact in the world, in whatever size or method, revealing that her wildest dream is to warm the hearts of strangers and to change people’s lives.
“My family has been abundant in their support for me. My parents have always wanted me to do the best I can and have never pushed me to be someone I’m not. I wouldn’t have survived the pressure of matriculation if it weren’t for my family’s consistent love and support.
“My biggest inspiration is my family. My parents inspire me to become strong-minded, gentle-hearted, empathetic, and determined. My sister inspires me to work hard and to stay true to myself.”
To pursue her career further, she applied to UCT, the University of Pretoria, and Stellenbosch University.
“I have decided to take a great leap out of my comfort zone and study at Stellenbosch, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. I am not certain of the career I will pursue in the future, but I do know I want to be involved in indirect patient care through research and working in laboratories.”
The Star