Minister of Police Bheki Cele at the release of the crime statistics. Picture: GCIS
Pretoria - The quarterly crime statistics show an increase in murder and rape cases committed between the level 1 and adjusted level 3 lockdown.
According to Minister of Police Bheki Cele, who released the statistics in Hatfield, Pretoria, they lay bare some of the policing shortcomings experienced in certain provinces.
“The National Crime Statistics from October to December 2020 do not paint a good picture, and so force us as the SAPS to dig deep and put the shoulder to the wheel.”
In the three months of reporting, a 6.6 % increase in murder was recorded.
This means 389 more people were killed compared to the corresponding period in the previous financial year.
Mpumalanga province recorded the highest increase of 13,7% when compared to the corresponding period in the previous financial year with Limpopo, North West and the Northern Cape provinces recording a decline in their murder cases.
Cele said 193 of the murders were as a result of domestic violence.
The top four causes of these deaths are arguments, robberies at a household and businesses, mob justice incidents and gang-related killings.
A total of 2 481 people were murdered in public places and 1643 murders occurred at the home of the victim or of the perpetrator. Liquor outlets were the third most likely place to be killed in South Africa.
Overall, contact crimes committed against a person decreased by 1.4%
A 5% increase has, however, been recorded for sexual offences detected as a result of police action.
A total of 12 218 people were raped between October and December last year.
This is an increase of 181 cases, amounting to a 1.5% increase compared to the previous reporting period. Over 4900 of the rape incidents took place at the home of the victim or the home of the rapist.”
Inanda, Umlazi in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape’s Lusikisiki police stations recorded the highest incidents of rape.
Cele slammed claims that there was a shortage of rape kits in police stations.
“A three -year contract entered into with a supplier in 2019 to provide these essential kits, is still in place. The availability of the “rape kits” at all provinces is confirmed on a weekly basis and replenishment is done as per the stations request.”
Pretoria News
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