Kilimanjaro High School will be one of nine new schools to be built in the province for this school year, says the provincial education department.
Kilimanjaro High School, which is under construction in Kilimanjaro Street, Tafelsig, will be one of nine new schools to be built in the province for this school year, says the provincial education department.
The brick-and-mortar school, which is expected to open in the second term, will have 15 classrooms for some 600 Grade 8 to matric pupils, although there will only be six classrooms in the first phase of development, according to Western Cape Education Department spokeswoman Millicent Merton.
“The school forms part of nine new schools and 265 additional classrooms in total in the 2025 school year to accommodate growth in the system. The WCED will first utilise teachers in excess. If there are other skill sets that are required, then the posts will be advertised,” said Ms Merton.
The WCED was assessing all schools based on risk and functionality, prioritising those most at risk of failure for replacement to maintain overall school operations, and that included both mobile and plankie schools, depending on their level of risk, she said.
Space had been allocated for sports grounds at Kilimanjaro High School, she said.
After the Mitchell’s Plain Community Advice and Development Project (MPCADP) held a meeting earlier this month for unplaced pupils ("Battle for place in class," Plainsman February 11), the WCED moved to assist those needing placement.
A paralegal at MPCADP, Joanne Muller, said some parents had informed them that their children had been placed at various schools within Mitchell’s Plain and some were still awaiting placements.
“We received a breakdown from the education department therefore we are having this follow-up meeting on Wednesday February 26 to show the department that all children in Mitchell’s Plain have not been placed yet,” she said.
Ward 82 councillor Washiela Harris said each primary school should have a high school to eliminate the placement issues.
“Ward 82 is blessed to have two schools being built in the space of three years. We in ward 82 welcome all developments in our ward.”
The MPCADP follow-up meeting will be held today, Wednesday February 26, at 10am, at Portland Indoor Centre. For more information, contact Ms Muller at 079 145 0576.