Christine Stone, Lentegeur
Regarding “’Plain parks and ‘wreckreation’” (Plainsman, May 3).
As a country and community we have survived a lot.
We lost many loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic and so much more.
Today I want to commend and thank community leaders in our area of Lentegeur, especially the individuals that are taking ownership of the park between Sunflower and Foxglove streets. They have created a fun safe place for our community to gather over weekends and public holidays, where everyone can come and play soccer and netball.
To see and hear the joy and excitement as the little ones run pass to the park is an absolute joy.
They get home super tired but they are happy.
Yes, we have a lot of bad things happening but for now lets focus on the good that came from our community and stand together. To the ones responsible for this, we thank you.
Thank you for offering up your families, your time, your skills and passion to help our community grow.
I trust that soon we will have a healthier community coming together to do greater things together.
Proudly Lentegeur.