NO PLAYING AROUND: These Hondas have plenty of power underneath their hoods
Pics by Shahiem Bell
There’s is a line in a song by Dire Straits that says: “There’s always sunshine after rain, these things have always been the same.”
The rain, or the pain, came with the tragic fatal gang crossfire shooting of young Zamawushe Momoti, 16, outside Belgravia High School on 19 April.
The school, which had planned its first show ‘n shine event to take place last weekend, almost cancelled the function. But, a parent and sponsor of the trophies, Allie Butler says: “It went ahead. It was an awesome day last Saturday and it went forward in honour of Zamawushe’s memory.”
Organiser Shane Harty from Auto Covers, a local company that provides bakkie covers and more, did a great job. He says this was his first show ‘n shine event, and was hectic and stressful to pull off. But he did it anyway. It’s a testament to the efforts of a person who uses his connections to pull off a fundraiser and do his bit in helping the community where it is needed most.
Shane’s wife is a teacher at the school, and says, like many Cape Flats schools, that it is in dire need of supplies. She mentioned overhead projectors and whiteboards in particular. It is hoped that funds raised from the show can go towards purchasing these supplies.
Shane says: “We had a decent turnout. There were about 100 cars and maybe 400 people, and we managed to get the whole event together via TikTok. I never picked up my phone once.”
Tariq Paulse, from Cape Town Stance, says: “We were one of the media partners for the event, which meant media coverage for the complete day: show and shine, prize giving, burnout competition and more.
“Great cars came through, and we got the opportunity to meet some guys on the car scene with builds we’ve never known of. My highlight for the day was when a blue Beams-powered Toyota KE70 went into the spin box and smoked things up for the crowd.
“The event was really well-organised and structured beautifully, and we at Cape Town Stance look forward to the next one.”