Maghmood Allie, Plumstead
With the media bombardment of representatives of various parties reaching a crescendo and as we prepare ourselves to go to the polls, the poles themselves are prepared for us: lining the streets and freeways adorned with faces, names and slogans to fix that which is broken and provide a better place for all, a country having so much promise but now many holding on to promises.
Many had fought long, hard fights, many had succumbed and others still battle in a struggle to provide a true democracy for each of us to make a difference: so use this opportunity wisely and do not allow yourself to be apathetic about the voting privilege you've been given. After all, if you do not use your opportunity to make a difference then you cannot complain if there is no difference. Pretty simple.
There are other concerns though, a major one being maturity. With great power comes great responsibility it is said. But great responsibility and accountability need some level of maturity. Sadly, maturity is lacking in so many spheres of our lives as individuals, as communities, as fellow countrymen.
Maturity suffers when the ego becomes more important than the issue, when self-interest and self-importance take over and cloud your judgement. The individual becomes so much more important than the “lesser” ones. One sees this daily when some elected officials act in their own interests when they have been placed in their positions by others to represent them. No matter the colour you wear, it's so sad seeing some officials who have been granted the power to make a change, to make a difference, abuse that power for self-enrichment at the expense of others. What a waste. Maturity? None.
Imagine all these elected officials wearing different colours working together for the benefit of all, those whom they are supposedly representing. Imagine if the benefit of the self is set aside for the greater good of others. Just imagine. But as each one desires to be right and refuses to listen to the view of another, the impasse shall remain. Maturity? None.
Undoubtedly, maturity cannot be obtained without education, a change of mindset and perhaps then a change in behaviour wanting to work together. Failing which, we resort to raising our voices, raising our sleeves, razing buildings and other property to make a point. And the cycle continues. The issues remain. The obstacles entrenched in our paths.
I think of John Lennon singing the following in 1971: Imagine all the people, sharing all the world. You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one.
Just imagine...
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