Clive Jacobs, Lavender Hill
Congratulations to all our women in the east, west, north and south - yet another celebration for women, as well as women in leadership and community activism, teachers and leadership in our schools.
My letter is about the future women of this world starting with the girls at all schools and learning academies who should be made to understand that they are the future leaders and mothers of this country. They should be moulded and structured in order to become the person which their families can be proud of.
Sometimes the past follows many female children up to a certain age and because of what they saw and experienced they carry it forward and when the time is there they never forget the experiences their mothers went through.
Our female young women should be given extra experiences on how to become the most important person in themselves. They need to be told and encouraged to go for alternative programmes which can enhance their confidence and self esteem.
At the ages of 11 and 14, teen pregnancies are imminent because the education on sex is not promoted enough in schools and by the parents.
I feel children at school, especially the Grade 7s, should be given extra support from their parents. Your child should be held accountable for the lack of respect towards you and their innocent teachers who only try their best.
Some educators are trying their best to be a day mother and a father for the pupils while some parents clearly are not while it is easy for you to listen to your child and that motivates you to attack principals and teachers.
My wish is to allow our young men and women to realise their dreams. Many of our pupils have a low self-esteem, no confidence and are not always so sincere.
That's why we as the community should be alert and never let our young girls and boys become victims of bullies at schools. Bullies have no place at school. Deal with bullies and remember school management, you need to reach out for assistance and support to organisations.
I wish all teachers the best. I know the hardship and the crumbling conditions you work under in order to make that difference. We all need to let our children grow.
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