Solomon Philander, Ward 116 councillor and chairman of Sub-council 12
On Wednesday February 15, we held a peaceful protest to add our voice to support the return of the SA Post Office to Mitchell’s Plain (“Plain Post Office closed,” Plainsman, February 15).
Although this is a national postal service and state-owned enterprise, we are deeply saddened by the closure of all the post offices in Mitchell’s Plain.
Our campaign is to bring back the post office to Mitchell’s Plain, and we call on all residents to join our call to bring back our post office. These very services were available for many years in Mitchell’s Plain, and people find them essential.
When I interviewed the greater community, our seniors raised concerns that they had to travel to Kenilworth Centre to get the postal service.
In other instances, seniors were concerned about where to pay their TV licences.
A 72-year-old woman said: “They’re sending us statements and expect us to pay, but the post office is closed.”
People that saved money at the post office due to the low cost will now have no alternative to make use of other banking institutions’ ATMs at higher cost.
South African Social Security Agency beneficiaries complained that they are sent from pillar to post to draw their pension.
The unemployed that receive a R350 grant said that they must borrow money to travel to collect their R350 and they pay the person back when they return.
Safeline Child Abuse Centre still makes use of the post office to communicate with clients especially those people who are unable to afford a cellphone or email.
Other members of the community made political statements that this government does not care about us.
Why don’t they give the management of the post office to the DA or give it to a competent organisation.
The post office is still a valuable tool, especially for the very poor and vulnerable in our community.
Our call is to at least have one outlet of access to the community of Mitchell’s Plain.
Any questions may be sent to me by email: or call 083 690 7772.