Independent Media chairman Dr Iqbal Surve.
Independent Media chairman Dr Iqbal Survé has reiterated the company's commitment to media freedom and the rights of opinion writers after an inaccurate and defamatory report in the Daily Maverick.
Daily Maverick’s Chris Roper, in an article titled "Sad world when media moguls like Iqbal Survé become profound enemies of press freedom” made misleading statements fraught with inaccurate and defamatory assertions about the chairman.
The statements were masked as fact, but in truth they were defamatory and libelous.
Independent Media said it supports the principle of freedom of speech and the expression of diverse viewpoints and said that such expressions must not infringe upon the rights and reputations of individuals.
The Sunday Independent recently published an opinion piece by Edmond Phiri, titled “Is Karyn Maughan South Africa's Leni Riefenstahl – the Nazi Film Propagandist”.
Roper has chosen not to engage with the substantive issues raised in the opinion piece by Phiri, choosing instead to initiate a baseless and vindictive campaign to falsely associate Dr Survé with alleged misconduct.
Independent Media said this tactic by Roper and the Daily Maverick was tantamount to deflectionand propaganda, by diverting attention from legitimate discussion and maligning Dr Survé with malicious, false, defamatory, and unfounded accusations.
The chairman, Dr. Survé, wishes to clarify the following points unequivocally:
Dr Survé said since acquiring Independent Media over a decade ago, he and the company had faced unwarranted and coordinated attacks and abuse at a personal and professional level.
He said the attacks were designed to undermine the integrity and to economically collapse the Independent Media stable.
“However, we remain firm in our mission to fight on and will not be deterred. We will fight on, regardless of the opposition we face.
“Independent Media and Dr Survé are determined to continue providing a platform for diverse voices and perspectives, contributing positively to the South African landscape,” said the company.
IOL News
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