A sheep, 18 cattle and 35 goats, all valued at R261,000 were recovered at various parts of the North West province. File Picture: SAPS
North West police have arrested 27 people and recovered 54 suspected stolen livestock valued at more than R200,000.
Police spokesperson Brigadier Sabata Mokgwabone said the livestock was recovered in various parts of the province during operations conducted by all the units under the Provincial Serious and Violent Crime Investigations between September 27 and 28.
"The suspects were arrested for murder, kidnapping, arson, theft of motor vehicle, malicious damage to property as well as theft and possession of suspected stolen stock," Mokgwabone said.
He said during the operations, 18 cattle, 35 goats and a sheep, all valued at R261,000 were recovered.
"Furthermore, four cloned vehicles that included a Mercedes- Benz A45 and Volkswagen Touran worth R4,890,000 were recovered."
He said in one of the operation’s successes, an arrested suspect was linked to 10 separate cases through forensic leads, ranging from business robberies, attempted murder, burglaries, hijackings, kidnapping to rape, which were committed in Taung and Pudimoe between October and December 2020.
"The suspect’s accomplice, Master Lobelo, aged 38, is currently serving 10 years imprisonment."
Mokgwabone said in addition to the arrests, 57 fines worth R70,000 were issued for contravention of the Animal Identification Act, 2002 (Act No. 6 of 2002).
In the Northern Cape, police said two men, aged 28 and 36, were arrested for possession of suspected stolen property valued at approximately R43,000.
Police spokesperson Sergeant Dikeledi Gopane said the two were arrested on Sunday, after the police received a complaint that a tuck shop was selling private label branded property in bulk belonging to local supermarkets.