IOL Durban businessman Thoshan Panday appeared in the Durban High Court on Thursday. Picture: File image
Image: File image
Durban businessman Thoshan Panday made an appearance in the Durban High Court on Thursday where he faces fraud and corruption charges about the 2010 Soccer World Cup.
The matter was postponed to May 8, for a pre-trial hearing.
Panday and eight others, which include his relatives, former provincial commissioner, Lieutenant General Mmamonye Ngobeni, and two policemen are accused of colluding in the awarding of a contract valued at over R47 million on accommodation for the SAPS.
According to The Investigating Directorate Against Corruption (IDAC) in addition to the pre-trial, the outcome of the defense’s appeal on the court’s decision granting leave to appeal a ruling that compels the state to disclose certain information to the accused is expected to be delivered.
IDAC spokesperson Henry Mamothame said Panday’s tax matter, where he is charged with four others on 27 tax fraud charges of approximately R7.5 million, also appeared before the Durban High Court.
"The matter was postponed to 6 October to 24 October 2025 for trial."
Panday’s application to have his bail conditions relaxed in the tax matter, will be heard at the Durban Magistrate's Court on Friday.
"This is after the court granted him bail owing to his health condition, thus ordering him to be confined to house arrest."
Panday's bail, originally set at R100,000, was extended.
IOL News
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