JMPD officers impound bricks and sand to prevent further land grabbing. Photo:Twitter/@JoburgMPD
Pretoria - Over the past few weeks, the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD) has intensified its fight against illegal land invasions.
The JMPD has been going around the city demolishing structures and confiscating building material found on properties which have been occupied illegally.
Speaking to IOL on Tuesday, JMPD spokesperson Xolani Fihla said illegal land invasion is a serious scourge in the City of Johannesburg and the department has adopted a three-pronged approach when dealing with illegal land invasions.
“Firstly, it’s through monitoring of the hotspots where illegal land occupation is rife, and through quick response, illegal structures and demarcations are demolished and removed before any kind of occupation is done.
“Secondly, once a settlement or structure is occupied and someone is living under the roof, a court order is required to evict the individual or group. Evictions are done once a court order is received and gives specific instructions for evictions to take place.
Thirdly, it’s through integrated operations conducted with various stakeholders holders within the City and Province. This is done to put a tight grip on this illegal activity,’’ Fihla explained.
He added that in order to combat the illegal land occupation, the JMPD together with various stakeholders, conduct illegal land invasion operations daily in the city.
“We encourage members of the public who witness or have any information regarding illegal land invasions to call the Anti-Land Invasion Hotline 080 012 0555 where officers and officials may swiftly respond and act upon this illegal activity.”
Illegal Land Invasion remains a serious scourge where we see people illegally occupying pieces of land without approval from the legal owners.
— Jo'burg Metro Police Department - JMPD (@JoburgMPD) September 19, 2022
Anti Land Invasion operation conducted by #JMPD officers & Mafoko Security officers at Fleurhof & Matholesville informal settlement.
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