Gabrielle Jacobs, 17, qualified to compete in DanceStar World Dance Masters 2024 in Croatia.
Two Portland sisters have qualified to compete in the DanceStar World Dance Masters 2024 competition in Croatia.
Gabrielle Jacobs, 17, and Micah Jacobs, 12, attend the XO Empire dance school based in Northpine.
They are participating in both solo and group sections.
Gabrielle has been dancing since age 8. She attends Mondale High School and is in Grade 12. Micah is a Grade 6 pupil at Montagu Drive Primary.
Parents Nicolette Smith-Jacobs, 43, and Fagrie Jacobs, 43, are proud of their daughters’ achievements and hope that they will enjoy this experience.
The DanceStar World Dance Masters is held annually in Croatia. The next competition will be held from Monday May 20 to Sunday May 26 with travelling to take place from Saturday May 18.
Dancers from South Africa can only compete at the DanceStar World Dance Masters 2024 in Croatia by qualifying at the DanceStar South African Qualifiers or qualifying the day before the main event in Croatia.
SA Dance Talent supervises the South Africa team during the tour.
The tour to Croatia and attending the DanceStar World Dance Masters is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her daughters, said Ms Smith-Jacobs.
“The main goal of each dancer should be to treat this as a learning curve as you broaden your dance vocabulary through workshops and observing other styles of dance from the many countries represented there. Winning a trophy or award at this level of competition will be the cherry on the top,” she said.
Coach and founder of XO Empire, Craig Julie, 30, said the sisters are doing very well in their dance work.
“They developed so well that they qualified to compete in the world championships in Croatia. ‘Worlds’ is not easy it can be very intimidating but they can do very well there,” he said.
The sisters still have to raise the R40 000 needed for each child to covers flights, visas, accommodation and food as well as uniform and gear, said Ms Smith-Jacobs.
For more information contact Ms Smith-Jacobs via email on or on 083 200 4768.