Human rights organisation #Africa4Palestine welcomed the announcement and said the decision followed its engagements with the council. Picture: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency (ANA)
The Muslim Judicial Council’s Halaal Trust (MJCHT) has adopted a policy position to not certify any goods or services emanating from Israel, in an effort to boycott all Israeli companies and products.
The groundbreaking announcement is expected to have an irreversible ripple effect for Muslims across the world.
MJCHT is a certification body that provides compliance certificates to companies that manufacture food and drink products as well as to restaurants and other similar establishments.
Certificates are voluntary; however, in practice, Muslims will not purchase a product that does not have a certificate from an authorised certification or compliance body, such as the MJCHT. Similarly, Muslims will also not likely eat at a restaurant that does not have a certificate from a compliance or certification body like the MJCHT.
Human rights organisation #Africa4Palestine welcomed the announcement and said the decision followed its engagements with the council.
“The MJCHT decision, which is the first such decision in the world, should and will set an example for other such compliance and certification bodies. We call on all other halaal certification bodies to adopt a similar position to that of the MJCHT,” the human rights organisation said.
The grouping, #Africa4Palestine has also written to other such bodies both in South Africa as well as internationally, including the South African National Halaal Authority, the National Independent Halaal Trust, and the Islamic Council of South Africa.
“Israeli companies and products not receiving such certification going forward will isolate them from major markets across the globe with colossal financial consequences. The message is clear: no normal trade with an abnormal country. Israel is paying for its violence, its violations of international law, and the abuse of the Palestinian people,” #Africa4Palestine said in a statement on Wednesday.