Tafelsig ward councillor Sheval Arendse is being investigated for maladministration of the prepaid water meter project in Tafelsig.
A daily newspaper reported last week that workers employed by a subcontractor, had accused Mr Arendse of allegedly not paying their wages, but Mr Arendse denies this.
He said a contractor had received work from the City of Cape Town and had employed a sub-contractor. The job was to educate residents about water meters and install them.
He said the sub-contractor pays the employees a rate that they receive from the main contractor.
The Plainsman questioned Mr Arendse about specific details of the contractor, sub-contractors and rates, but he dodged our questions.
Mr Arendse said the sub-contractor had asked if they could have the contractor transfer the workers’ wages to his account because they didn’t have their own bank account.
“The sub-contractor called and asked if they can transfer two weeks’ wages, and I said it’s fine but only for now, but she will have to look at bank EFT or bank accounts. I then paid them (the workers) in cash.”
“The sub-contractor was paid a stipend from the main contractor. Two people started the first week, only one brought in work and was paid as per work received.
“Another two then started the second week. I asked the sub-contractor when they were going to open their bank accounts when they were paid, but they said they did not have time. At the time of receiving the funds for the workers, I was in Bloekombos and could only pay them the Sunday,” he said. When asked by the Plainsman to comment, Sub-council 12 chairman Eddie Andrews was only prepared to say: “Dirk Smit, the Speaker in the council, commenced an investigation into Mr Arendse’s alleged maladministration. In this regard an independent investigator had been appointed.”
The Plainsman contacted Mr Smit’s office. they said they had received new information regarding this matter and the investigation is still in process. He was unable to respond at this stage.