
Most of ’Plain vote DA

Fouzia Van Der Fort|Published

Voters queue to make their mark at Alpine Primary School, in Beacon Valley, on Wednesday May 29.

The DA won most of the voting districts across Mitchell’s Plain, according to Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) data.

The final election results were declared on Sunday.

This election has seen a sharp drop in support for the ANC, which for the first time has lost its majority, forcing it to seek coalition partners to form a government. With all the votes counted, the ANC has 40.18% of votes nationally, followed by the DA with 21.81% and MK with 14.58%.

In the Western Cape, the DA won with 53.41% of the vote, the ANC got 19.79% and the PA came in third with 7.84%.

Across some 50 voting districts bounded by Strandfontein Road, the R300, Swartklip Road and Baden Powell Drive, the DA took the most votes across all three ballot papers.

Ricardo Mackenzie, a DA member of provincial legislature and the party’s political head of Mitchell’s Plain, thanked Mitchell’s Plain voters for their continued support.

“We have listened and heard the voters in that we will continue to do and serve them well. Where there are blind spots, we will work fiercely and hard to ensure that these service delivery needs are met urgently.

“We will work with the community and all stakeholders to improve and work harder to not fail residents and the voters,” he said.

In most of the Mitchell’s Plain voting districts, the DA took more than 50% of the votes across the national, provincial and regional ballots. It was followed by the Cape Coloured Congress (CCC), mostly below 20%, and the Patriotic Alliance (PA) closely behind it.

CCC leader Fadiel Adams told the Plainsman on Tuesday that the party was grateful to those who had voted for it.

“We promise them advancement,” he said.

Mr Adams said that in addition to having a seat on the city council, the party would also have a seat in the provincial legislature and two seats in Parliament.

Mr Adams, of Westridge, and Sakeena Frenchman, of Cape Town, would be going to Parliament and Duwayne Jacobs, of Beacon Valley, would take a seat in the provincial legislature.

“We consistently came second throughout the metro with a campaign budget of R14 000 compared to the other political parties with multi-million rand budgets,” he said.

Mr Adams said that they would not change their stance and would not join any alliances.

The ANC and Al Jama-ah were in second or third position on the national ballot in only a few of the Mitchell’s Plain voting districts, but the ANC was number one on all three of the ballot papers for the voting districts at Siqalo informal settlement, Mont Claire and Seaview Baptist Church in Strandfontein.

According to the Electoral Act, election results must be declared within seven days of an election. The first sitting of the National Assembly must occur no more than 14 days after election results are declared.

Voters show off the indelible ink marks on their thumbs to prove they have cast their ballots.