The Better Minds Foundation and I Am Passion Youth Cafe co-hosted an upliftment session for young men called Movember Men Seminar on Monday November 28 during Men’s Month.
They asked boys from the community to attend for assistance with tertiary education, school and job opportunities, to name a few.
“At times opportunities may be limited and some of them may have dropped out of school due to a lack of support. We hope that they’ve learned something through the organisations on the day,” said Chelsea Roberts, founder of The Better Minds Foundation.
Organisations that were part of the day included Harambe SA Youth, Northlink College, ENS Africa, The Autism Strong Academy, Metro Police and the K-9 unit, Beverly Elliot Night School And The Dream Again Organization.
Facilitator of I Am Passion Youth Cafe, Gomez Bakwene shared his experience of being a refugee in South Africa.
“My family and I had to fight for our lives for a life outside of war. My father went back to school at 48 in hopes to help us finish our education. It wasn’t easy but it paid off. I too had to create opportunities for myself. Dad went to college and pursued a degree and helped us create opportunities. Let’s want to want it, don’t look at your surroundings, go beyond the borders,” he said.
Life coach, entrepreneur and founder of I Am Passion Youth Cafe, Bradley van Reenen said people don’t get to choose their circumstances but they get to decide how it will end.
“You are not powerless, you are not a victim. Locked up inside of people is a treasure. You were born with treasure. At 19, I discovered my purpose. At times we are problem-focused people. We can sit here and miss our strength amidst our challenges. You are the sum total of your greatest thoughts. Just breathe and practice seeing your treasure,” he said.
For more information contact I Am Passion on Facebook or call 067 046 8793. Follow The Better Minds Foundation on Facebook or contact them on 076 343 632.