Back, from left, are deputy chairperson Dennis Abrahams, trustee, David Talmakies and project coordinator Ganief Thompson. Front: secretary Faieza Caswell, chairperson Shantel Cloete, treasurer Elizabeth Fisher and assistant secretary Juanita Rainers.
Load shedding is making life very difficult for the Tafelsig West Neighbourhood Watch.
The watch’s secretary, Faieza Caswell, says they cannot function properly in the dark and need to travel in groups to stay safe.
They are currently running with no equipment, such as torches, bibs and radios to name a few. They make use of their own resources until they receive equipment from the City of Cape Town, said chairperson, Shantel Cloete.
Deputy chairperson Dennis Abrahams said they need to work together with one radio and one torch.
Ms Cloete said they are also experiencing crime such as theft, vandalism and cable theft. This is also due to load shedding as this is usually done in the dark. Our parks have also been vandalised by elements in our area,” she said.
For the central side of Tafelsig there are no torches available during load shedding, she said.
“Even if we’re affected by load shedding, the safety of the community is our main concern. We are here for them and want to make Tafelsig West a safer space,” said Ms Cloete.
Assistant secretary, Juanita Rainers, said they were elected in September last year.
“It has been challenging making the transition into the new executive committee. We want to focus on the way forward and help our community the best we can,” she said.
Ward 82 councillor Washiela Harris said without equipment they cannot operate the way they would wish to. “The equipment that was to reach them but has not made their way to them as yet. They will receive it soon and we will communicate with them,“ she said.
Mitchell’s Plain SAPS did not respond to Plainsman after two weeks of communicating with their office.
The City did not respond in time of print.