■ Richard Peter Cupido, from Portland, points himself out in this portrait of the Bloemhof Crusaders Christmas Choir, taken in 1961. Mr Cupido celebrated his 80th birthday in grand style with about 200 guests at Rocklands civic centre, on Sunday February 4. He was born in 1938, in Bryant Street, Bo-Kaap, and raised in Worcester Street, Bo-Kaap, before being forced to move to Bonteheuwel because of the apartheid regime’s Group Areas Act. Mr Cupido had seven children. He has 11 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Mr Cupido was 12 years old when his mother took him to join the Christmas choir. He played the role of drum major for several years. Today, he is joined by his sons. He also belongs to the Sunshine and Club 60 seniors’ clubs.