Minister of Police Senzo Mchunu. File Picture: Jacques Naude / Independent Newspapers
The National Minister of Police Senzo Mchunu painted a grim picture of the crime situation in the country, saying that the numbers reflected tell a sobering story and the severity of the challenges the police faced.
A total of 6,198 people were murdered in South Africa between April 2024 and June 2024.
“These numbers represent more than just figures on a page, they reflect the lived realities of our citizens — their fears, their losses, and their hopes for a safer tomorrow,” said Mchunu at the release of the first quarter crime statistics.
He said the data, which showed an increase in capital crimes such as murder, rape and kidnapping for ransom, is a stark reminder of the urgent need for action.
Over 9,300 cases of rapes were reported, over 5,400 carjacking and 36 cash-in-transit (CIT) heists.
“We are confronted with a crisis that threatens the safety of our communities and undermines the stability of our nation.”
He said contact crimes, in particular, are wreaking havoc and instilling fear.
Mchunu said four of the nine provinces recorded increases in murder cases.
The highest increase was recorded in the Western Cape, followed by the North West, the Eastern Cape and then Limpopo.
In addition, the top 30 police stations which recorded the highest murders were in these four provinces.
The leading stations among them were Nyanga in the Western Cape, followed by Inanda and uMlazi, both in KZN, and Khayelitsha and Harare, also in the Western Cape.
The majority of these murders took place in public places, which included liquor outlets, shebeens, agricultural premises, business premises, public transport premises and spaza/tuck shops.
Mass shootings took place in KZN and Eastern Cape, while nine farm murders were reported during this period.
“These are crucial stakeholders, and we will ensure that we work with the farming community as we address this challenge.”
The Minister said 91 incidents of rape were reported at schools.
“We send our children to school to learn, and we thus expect that such environments are safe and conducive for learning.”
There have been 12 murders recorded at educational premises.
A total of 135 cases of kidnapping for ransom were recorded in the first quarter, Mchunu revealed, with Gauteng having 81 cases, followed by 15 in KZN.
Plan of Action
Mchunu said the SAPS’ number one priority was to bring crime levels down to ensure citizens felt safe.
“We are committed to enhancing the professionalism of the South African Police Service (SAPS). This entails rigorous training, a clear code of conduct, and a culture of excellence.”
He said that while there have been reports of police officers being involved in criminal activity, no corruption will be tolerated.
Mchunu said the SAPS was investing in advanced tools and system to help combat crime.
“Our crime intelligence capabilities are being strengthened to provide better insights and strategic advantages in the fight against criminal networks,” Mchunu said.
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