The Cape Flats Forum has condemned crime. Photograph: Phando Jikelo/African News Agency(ANA).
Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of a woman who’s body was found on Mnandi Beach on Friday December 30.
Police spokesperson Sergeant Wesley Twigg said Mitchell’s Plain SAPS registered an inquest after the body was found at about 9.30am. “A post-mortem will be conducted to determine the cause of death.”
We previously reported that two bodies had been found in the Steenberg policing precinct over the past four days.
Chairperson of the Cape Flats Forum, Abie Issacs, said: “We have noted with concern over the past few days that bodies have been discovered in certain areas in and around the Cape Flats.”
His comment came after police attended a crime scene around 7pm on Monday January 2, on the corners of Symphony Way and Main Road, in Delft where the burnt bodies of five men were found.
“It is alleged that the victims, aged between 25 and 36, were accused by the community of breaking into a house in the area and stealing a cellular telephone. They were caught, beaten and set alight,” said police spokesperson, Colonel Andrè Traut.
He added that vigilantism was condemned in the strongest terms and that perpetrators stand to be prosecuted.
Mr Isacs said they had noted a number of criminal incidents in Mitchell’s Plain over the festive season.
“We call on law enforcement agencies to speed up some of these investigations in order for the alleged suspects to appear in court . We also calling on communities to assist the agencies,” he said
Anyone with any information that can assist with the investigation can contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111.
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