Eastville Primary pupils received inspiring career guidance from police and traffic officers and chef-turned-entrepreneur John Williams who visited their school on Friday March 7. They are seen here with Mitchell's Plain police officers, City of Cape Town traffic department's road safety education unit officers, Dream Again Foundation's Jonas McCarthy and the school's principal.
Image: Alicia English
Grade 6 and 7 pupils at Eastville Primary in Eastridge received valuable career guidance from local police and traffic officers, as well as chef John Williams, founder of The Hood Kitchen in Rocklands at a mini career expo held at their school on Friday March 7.
The expo was organised by Dream Again Foundation's Jonas McCarthy, who is also a former Eastville Primary pupil.
Morriat Ngesimani, a senior traffic officer in the traffic department's road safety education unit, informed pupils of the career opportunities in the City's traffic department and basic requirements.
He also encouraged pupils to take care when crossing a street, and only to do so at a pedestrian crossing or traffic light when it is safe.
Chef-turned-entrepreneur, John Williams, shared some of his experiences working abroad as a chef before returning home and starting his own business at the age of 23. He also emphasised the importance of personal development.
"You are our future. You will be standing here in the next 10 to 20 years so you need to be equipped with personal growth and life skills. Take note in your classrooms. Listen to your teachers. Focus and finish school," he said, adding: "We need to invest more into our youth so that the future can be brighter."
Dream Again Foundation founder, Jonas McCarthy hosted a mini career expo at Eastville Primary to inspire pupils to pursue their dreams. Mr McCarthy, a former Eastville Primary pupil, is seen here addressing pupils in Grade 6 and 7.
Image: Alicia English
Mitchell’s Plain police’s Tafelsig sector commander, Captain Ian Williams told pupils not to let social ills like gangsterism and drug dealing in their surrounding communities deter them from reaching for their dreams.
"You are not where you live. With the potential that God has placed in you to develop, you can become anything you want to become. But you must water and nurture the seed with the right things. Your attitude determines your altitude. The way you treat others and your self respect will determine how people will treat you," he said.