The Kuils River Rugby Football Club will host the Kuila Rugby Jazz Picnic at the Jagtershof Sports Ground, on Sunday December 15. The event was first, and last, held in December 2004, according to club executive member Shaun du Toit. He said the club planned to hold it annually from now on to raise much-needed funds for the day-to-day running of the club. Richard Ceasar will perform along with The Bridge Band, and DJ Mookie, DJ Lee TPS and DJ Justin will be putting in appearances. There will be a "kiddies corner", food vendors and a beer garden. The gates open at noon, with performances running from 2pm to 8pm. Entry is R150 for adults, R75 for children aged 12 to 18 and free for children under 12. Contact Mr Du Toit at 084 758 5729 or for more information. Picture: Supplied.
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