Open Eye Foundation founder Mosa Mphore, who is also a kidney recipient, is raising awareness about organ donation.
The Pedals and Provinces Cycle Tour initiative to raise awareness about organ donation and encourage donor registration will take place from the V&A Waterfront to Llandudno on Sunday November 24.
Organised by the Open-Eye Foundation, the event aims to inspire a culture of compassion and action in support of organ, blood, and tissue donation.
Founder of the Open Eye Foundation, Mosa Mphore fell critically ill at just 22 years old and said he understood first-hand the devastating impact of chronic illnesses and the urgent need for organ donors.
Diagnosed with end-stage renal disease in 2011, he spent two years on dialysis before receiving a kidney transplant in 2013.
“When I got that call, I knew my life was about to change. But it also gave me a purpose: to share my story and educate people on how organ donation gives others a second chance at life.”
Community members are encouraged to bring their bicycles, donate to the cause, and ride together from the V&A Waterfront to Llandudno and back to create awareness and encourage people to consider registering as organ donors and saving lives.
"We want to break down the misconceptions and cultural barriers surrounding organ donation, said Mr Mphore. The simple act of saying 'yes' to becoming a donor can transform lives.
“We’re pedalling for second chances and renewed lives.”
The event in Cape Town will start at the V&A Waterfront in Battery Park at 6.30am, and the cyclists will leave to ride to Llandudno at 7am.
There will be a short address by Mr Mphore, and light refreshments will be served during a networking event.
The community can register to participate on the Open Eye’s Foundation website by Wednesday November 20. All fitness levels are welcome.
You can also support the cause by pledging to become an organ donor and encourage family discussions about the decision, or donate to support the foundation’s efforts to enhance organ donor registration and provide resources to transplant centres.
For more information, visit
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