NSRI Port Alfred crew rescued a man who fell overboard during a boat launch through the Kowie River Mouth. Picture: Port Alfred NSRI
A man was successfully rescued after falling overboard from a commercial fishing ski-boat while launching through the Kowie River Mouth.
The incident occurred early on Tuesday, July 23, prompting a swift response from the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) Port Alfred station.
Chris Pike, NSRI Port Alfred station commander, explained, “At 6.45am on Tuesday, our duty crew was activated following reports of a man missing in the Kowie River Mouth.”
The incident unfolded as a commercial fishing ski-boat was attempting to navigate the river mouth to head out to sea. After breaching an incoming wave, the man lost his footing and fell overboard.
“The skipper had no choice but to continue motoring through the river mouth to avoid compromising the boat and the remaining crew,” said Pike.
The crew tried to keep a visual on the man, who was wearing a life-jacket, but the sea swells soon obscured him from view.
The NSRI crew quickly responded, launching their rescue crafts, Lotto Challenger and JetRib Spirit of Kenton. According to Pike, “We reached the river mouth at 6.54am and initiated a search for the man.”
Meanwhile, another commercial fishing ski-boat launching through the river mouth spotted the man on rocks next to the Kowie River Pier. NSRI rescue crafts promptly reached the man and brought him back to the marina jetty. Fortunately, he was not injured and required no further assistance.
NSRI commended the actions taken by the fishing boat’s skipper and crew.
“We commend the casualty boat skipper for following protocols and ensuring the crew were secured in their life-jackets and briefed on safety protocols before launching,” said Pike.
He also praised the other boats that assisted in the search and the swift response of the NSRI Port Alfred rescue volunteers.