St George's Cathedral Father Michael Weeder has announced his retirement Filee Photo: Matthew Jordaan/Independent Newspapers
The Dean of St. George's Anglican Cathedral in Cape Town, Father Michael Weeder announced his retirement at the end of this month.
Father Weeder, known for his activism and love for humanity was ordained as a priest in 1985 during the height of apartheid and his priesthood was nurtured in Elsies River.
Married to Dr Bonita Bennet, and father to Chiara, Andile, and Khanyisa, he served in parishes across the Western Cape including Ocean View, Gugulethu, Ashton, Zolani, and Lotus River.
He also served for a period as a member of the Black Clergy Association and he eventually worked with late Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and the Director of the Anglican Board of Social Responsibility.
Weeder is an avid writer and orator and holds a BA Honours and a MA in history from the University of the Western Cape.
He is a published poet and has been invited to attend multiple writers' festivals.
He was selected as Dean of St. George’s Cathedral in Cape Town and was instituted on May 22, 2011. Weeder was the first Dean elected through an extensive application and discernment process.
When he started is tenure, he inherited a leaking roof, however, with collaborative efforts managed to complete the majority of the restoration.
Weeder has hosted a plethora of international and local visitors from across the globe for events, celebrations, and memorials, including the funeral and interment of Archbishop Tutu.
When he reached his retirement age in October 2023, he agreed to continue his service into 2024, at the request of Archbishop Thabo Makgoba.
The Wardens and Council of St. George’s Cathedral have expressed their gratitude to Weeder for his time, and legacy and will be hosting farewell services in his honour.
On April 14, an interfaith liturgy for Palestine will be hosted and original music by Jonathan de Vries and Mokale Kaopeng will be featured.
On April 21, a full Festival Eucharist of Thanksgiving will be hosted at 9.30am and will feature choirs and more.