
Library borrowing to return to pre-Covid regime

Sibulele Kasa|Published

City libraries extended the number of items that patrons could borrow and the borrowing period during the Covid-19 pandemic. Picture: City of Cape Town

The number of items that can be borrowed at City libraries will return to the pre-Covid 19 period from next month, the City said on Tuesday.

The libraries extended the number of items that patrons could borrow, as well as the borrowing period, during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“During the pandemic, borrowing privileges were extended to a one-month lending period and a maximum of 20 items for all borrowers.

“Those were extraordinary times, and the City made the adjustment to benefit our patrons who could not access the library or materials as readily,” said Patricia van der Ross, mayoral committee member for community services and health.

She said the number of items that could be borrowed would go back to 12 for an adult and seven for a child, for a borrowing period of two weeks with an opportunity to renew the items for a longer period.

The City said the return to the original borrowing privileges aimed to make library materials more accessible to other people over a shorter time frame.

“The longer borrowing period means other patrons wait longer to enjoy all the material our libraries offer. It also meant fines accumulated quickly due to the higher number of items that could be borrowed,” said Ms Van der Ross.