
Strandfontein SAPS steps up to mentor junior officers

Fouzia Van Der Fort|Published

Junior Strandfontein police station visible police (vispol) commander Constable Clinton Boonzaaier, junior station commander Constable Morgan van Wyk, shift commander Sergeant Deon Coetzee and station commander Captain Ruwayne Muller

Strandfontein police station is taking the lead in mentoring young constables, in the roles of junior commanders for the station and visible police (VISPOL).

Strandfontein police station commander Captain Ruwayne Muller said junior Strandfontein police station commander Constable Morgan van Wyk and junior visible police (vispol) commander Constable Clinton Boonzaaier, were chosen following acknowledgement from their managers, peers and the community for their good work.

They started in the South African Police Service in 2014 and have been stationed at the local police station for the past three years, after having served in various units, including the reaction and stabilisation units.

Constable van Wyk said: “I would like to be a general one day. I am speaking it into my life now.”

Constable Boonzaaier said it was an honour for them to be recognised for their service.

He said they had received weekly certificates of appreciation for outstanding arrests, were motivated and received compliments from the community.

Captain Muller said these positions would provide opportunities to younger members at the station and prepare them for the next phase in their policing careers.

‘’Many seniors at police stations are about to retire and we will need these young members to take the knowledge over. We are working together to use our intellectual wealth, come together and we can do so much more,’’ he said.

Captain Muller said it was important that these constables be introduced to the community in promoting their fight against crime - which would be partnership policing.

“We can’t do anything without the community. We are here for the community,’’ he said.

He said the members were introduced at various meetings, neighbourhood watch, block committee and public gatherings.

Captain Muller said this was a directive from the provincial commissioner’s office to mentor and acknowledge work done well.

“These are young members who are respected and were identified as being young, fit and ready to serve,” he said.

Community police forum (CPF) chairperson Sandy Schuter Flowers said they were the best candidates who met the quality and criteria for these positions.

“You deserve to be mentored to become greater than what you are already.

“You deserve that opportunity, where you can express your potential and can bring to the police service and to the service of the community,” she said.

Ms Schuter Flowers also invited them to exco meetings so they can see what transpires there and gain further experience.

“So that you can have a better understanding of your role and the personalities that you will have to deal with, within the community,” she said.

Strandfontein CPF and SAPS, together with various organisations will have their awareness and education desk at Strandfontein KwikSpar, in Wavecrest on Saturday October 15, from 9am to noon.