Xoloxolo Primary School in Kokstad, KwaZulu-Natal. Xoloxolo Primary School in Kokstad, KwaZulu-Natal. File Picture
Durban - Xoloxolo Primary School, a state-of-the-art school in Kokstad under the Harry Gwala District, is to be officially reopened by KZN Education MEC Mbali Frazer on Friday after delays caused by poor workmanship.
The upgraded facility had been handed over in August last year. However, an oversight visit revealed the below standard conditions the pupils and teachers were dealing with.
The facility cost the Department of Education R65 million to upgrade, and is said to have 25 classrooms with modern IT learning aids, toilets for boys and girls, a huge administration block, computer rooms and all the amenities that fit the description of a world-class learning institution.
In June IOL reported that despite the upgrades worth millions, it was discovered that pupils and teachers at the school were left without access to running water, among numerous other defects.
The findings were made during an oversight visit conducted by the KwaZulu-Natal public works portfolio committee. The inspection was initiated as part of a close-out report based on the auditor-general’s recommendation.
The report said that almost a year after the project’s completion, critical upgrades remained incomplete.
– The absence of grey water left the school reliant on collected water to flush toilets.
– The school's taps ran dry, leaving pupils and teachers without drinking water.
– There was substandard workmanship, evidenced by broken stairs, railings, and downpipes, and expensive imported locks that are costly to replace.
– The installation of 3-phase power led to a monthly R15 000 bill, irrespective of usage, burdening the school's budget.
Speaking during the 2023/24 Budget presentation, Frazer said the aim of these programmes was to address backlogs in education infrastructure across the province, as well as to ensure excellence and compliance with school norms and standards.
“Consistent with our objectives of creating a conducive environment for teaching and learning to efficiently take place, the department continues to implement various education infrastructure programmes across KwaZulu-Natal,’’ said Frazer.
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