Sexy time should be fun and passionate.
Image: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels
While sex is meant to be fun, passionate and sometimes a little bit messy (in a good way of course) there are things that can instantly turn the heat off.
There are just some things that you don’t do or say while you’re doing the dance between the sheets.
Let’s dive into the no-nos during sexy time.
“You know, my ex used to do it like this…” Stop right there!
Nothing kills the mood faster than mentioning someone you used to do the deed with.
The person you’re with doesn’t need a comparison chart.
They just need you to focus on the task at hand.
Unless it’s your mom calling to tell you you’ve won the lotto, do not pick up the phone.
Nothing says “I’m not into this” like pausing in the heat of the moment to reply to a text that could’ve waited.
Keep your phone on airplane mode.
Don't answer your phone during an intimate moment.
Image: Ketut Subiyanto / Pexles
This is the ultimate mood killer. If you’re not into it, communicate that respectfully.
But asking if it’s over yet is like saying, “Can we fast-forward through this movie?”
“Hey, could you maybe try a little harder? Your technique is… meh.”
Unless you’re a certified sex coach, keep your negative feedback to yourself.
Of course, one has to be honest about how you feel about the act but do so in a respectful manner.
If you’re so tired that you’re about to doze off mid-session, maybe just reschedule.
Falling asleep during sex is basically the equivalent of saying, “This is so boring”.
“Oh, by the way, we need to call the plumber about the sink.” Really? Now?
Sex is not the time to multitask.
If you’re thinking about errands, you’re doing it wrong.
Focus on the moment, not your grocery list.
IOL Lifestyle
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