Your year ahead
Recent times have felt unsettled, thanks to a meddling cosmos. Misunderstandings and mistakes turned many a Piscean bedroom into a battlefield.
For others, it’s simply became a no-go zone. Your new birthday year brings much less tension; and far more fun. By May, sexy Venus promises singles some high-quality romance.
For those already coupled, intimacies result in fewer demands and increased passions. At work, too, this is a landmark year. Whether you’re hoping to meet new people or start a new job, the planets finally align in your favour.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
While others are happy to socialise this week, you seem more content to raise the drawbridge on that castle you call home. This doesn’t mean being alone. It’s a fair bet you’ll enjoy spending time with favourite friends and family; and there’s likely to be a surprise or two. Later in the week, you may bump into a past partner or friend.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
There’s a confident energy to the week, and very little will escape your attention. If teamwork’s required, there’s no better time for presenting joint ideas. Even so, timing is important. Don’t force issues until all signals say go - some things are worth the wait. Late week brings another kind of joy. The romantic kind.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
This week’s nebulous planetary transits may bring misunderstandings based on hypersensitivity or, perhaps, untruths. Expect mix-ups. Yet this can also be a time of empathetic conversations that can lift spirits and heal wounds. So much depends on your frame of mind, and willingness to trust your own intuition.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
Recently, conflicts have chipped away at many Cancer egos. Not so this week, when you can mostly look forward to a rewarding few days. No longer prepared to concede defeat we’ll see you on the attack, rather than merely safeguarding. You’re also better able to shape small details into a larger picture and intuitively make the right choices.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
The trouble with seeing the larger picture is that you often skip the finer details. Thinking big is great, but some ideas need blood, sweat and tears to get off the ground. Bear this in mind should one or two recent projects prove unattainable. Still, a celebration looks likely. And should romance call, allocate extra time for play.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
It’s true, magic can happen - sometimes, simply by staying positive. Energy follows thought, Virgo. What you think, will be. So be kind enough to give yourself what you need. Make time for nature, massages or friendships. It’s been too long since you allowed yourself some fun or pampering. Time, too, to start a new fitness regime.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
You’ve so many things going for you right now, Libra. This week’s more positive transits start to correct any recent glitches in your life. Uranus in your financial sector could also provide opportunities. Sorting the good from the bad hasn’t been an easy process lately but, thankfully - the clarity you’re seeking comes by week’s end.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
You may be feeling restless, but don’t force things to happen. It’s often easier to simply go with the flow. Should obstacles appear, see them in the same light as opportunities. Life is a constant dance, Scorpio. So choose the rhythm that offers you genuine joy, and know that all paths lead to the same place - your greatest good.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
Switch off your phone, ignore your emails and power down the computer. Disregarding this advice could place you smack-dab in the middle of other people’s dramas - those they should be resolving themselves. Avoid playing crisis counsellor, or lending your precious time to other peoples’ problems. Save some energy for yourself.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
Capricorn, you’ve postponed a particular decision long enough. Now, it’s time to do something about it. Sure, it pays to be prepared - and we all know practice makes perfect. The big question is: are you, at last, ready to give it a try? You’ll only know by taking action. If tensions do exist, they seem more to do with immediate family.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
Aquarians are accomplished in many areas of their lives but now want to learn something new. If this is the case, do your homework in what you need to do next to propel you towards a new path. You can use past and present skills to help you or choose to do something which is totally off the grid. Either way, success beckons.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Decisions should go on hold, even though the pressure might be to make them. Once again, money becomes an issue, but whether you have the time or energy to deal with such problems is another matter. In the meantime, there’s a question over who’s responsible for what. Thankfully, everything passes.
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