Your Year Ahead
If there’s one thing you loathe, it’s having to conform – but sometimes you just have to toe the party line. Your reward?
This year could bring a new job, new status, new image – one or all, the choice is yours.
Sadly, though, it’s not a case of instant gratification. Approach your passions with caution and attention to detail.
Singles have opportunities for new love. For couples, a push towards material gain spurs you on, although there may still be pressure to fall in line with a partner. If so, maintain a strong sense of independence and equality. Freedom is your lifeline.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
This week gets off to a bumpy start. But if you want to keep certain contacts or friendships, you’ll have to work on your diplomacy. As much as it sticks in the throat, say nothing – even if your arguments are valid. By weeks end, karmic plus points should return a happier state of mind – with alliances intact.
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Few can match your exuberant love of life, though you can be equally prone to stress. And when you feel low, food is a favourite refuge. The problem? The crash dieting that follows, which plays havoc with an already sensitive system. Keep this week’s pleasures safe and simple. Upside: a reunion or happy news from the past.
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
While others map out a clear path for the coming week, many Geminis seem to be blindfolded. Along with a lack of clarity comes a vulnerability to deception. Don’t rely too heavily on outlandish promises and if you’re disappointed, leave the intoxicants alone – they’ll only blur things more.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
You might feel great, but others could be right in assuming that you’re heading for a bit of a fall. Hopefully, they’ll regard this uncharacteristic arrogance as a minor blemish in an otherwise loveable person. But don’t push your luck – these people are your safety net. An issue initiated a year ago could also head to its natural conclusion.
Leo (July 23 – August 23)
We don’t know which planet you’ve been bribing, but someone up there’s looking after you. Even if you manage to put a foot wrong, it’s a fair bet that there’s a cosmic minder around to steady you. Still, you deserve the extra fuss – right now, you’re proving to be a great asset in others’ lives. And they’re grateful.
Virgo (August 24 – September 22)
A spirited cosmos fires you with extra energy to tackle challenging tasks. Persevere, and a momentous week is likely. You’re confident in your abilities, and clear in your ambitions. Initiate new projects, as goals may now be reached in a fraction of the usual time. And if you feel inclined to mix business with pleasure, why should the planets object?
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Expect a ridiculously busy week, Libra – but you really weren’t built with this kind of workload in mind. Just don’t get locked into the momentum of a project to the point where you can’t stop for the odd breather. Keep your head together and refuse all requests to increase the pressure. You deserve a more relaxed life.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
You’re an incendiary waiting to explode, although it might take someone else to light the fuse. It’s often a case of the older we grow, the less inclined to extend the hand of unconditional friendship. But right now, there’s every chance you’ll cement an alliance that’s built to weather the years. Stay open-minded.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
If you’ve placed someone in the centre of your ideal picture, you might find that the person doesn’t quite match the cosy frame. Love may well be blind, but you’d be silly to turn a deaf ear as well. However, before you start blaming others for your sabotaged dream, try lowering your expectations.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
We all like to think we’re in total control, life life has a perverse knack of reminding us just how vulnerable we can really be. This week, you can forget about easing into that old suit of armour. Everyone knows where your heart lies, so you needn’t pretend it’s not beating. If lucky, Venus throws you some tickets for an intimate getaway.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)
An unsatisfying work environment suggests that many Aquarians need a change. The unease may stem from within, but it’s more likely that you’re disillusioned with what’s happening around you. You can either surrender and fall in line, or leave. Or put last year’s retraining to use – find a challenging position, with a salary to match.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Some people just can’t help interfering in others’ affairs, and no doubt you’ve met a fair few of them in your time. What’s more, their intrusion probably tested your patience to its limits. Remember this is if you find yourself becoming a tad too curious about matters that really don’t concern you. Mind your own.
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