Your year ahead
It’s a grinder of a year, but remain steadfast, major planets are on your side. Uranus nudges you towards new work and given the determination that Mars brings, you should achieve excellent results soon.
In the meantime, Jupiter expands communications, and taskmaster Saturn waves you through its usual demanding checklist. Consider making lasting investments this year, such as property.
In matters of the heart, too, there’s a definite upsurge in your happiness. But let such delights develop at their natural pace. Don’t push – entice instead.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Thanks to a feisty Mars, considerable changes stir up the domestic front, particularly relationships. This cosmic influence often coincides with break-ups. The good news? Secure partnerships will survive. Even in the best relationships, though, a little change can be a good thing. Singles fare better this week.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
There’s not much in the heavens to help you along this week. Basically, it’s up to you to stay in control because if anything, the planets are spoiling for a squabble. Despite being under pressure, don’t give in to conflict. And there’s no consolation to be found comfort eating, either. Try a portion of exercise instead.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Your mind is on the move Gemini, and the change looks positive. Basically, it comes down to trusting your instincts and then acting on them quickly. For many, this will mean new work or study. And why not take a chance on love? All this, thanks to fiery Mars sparking up your chart. It seems that, this week, you’re irresistible.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
With Mars dozing in your sleepy twelfth house, your energy could be flagging. Be gentle with yourself this week, so no bingeing at work or play. You’ll be most productive when you listen to the gentler cues of your body – soak in a hot bath or take an afternoon off if the situation calls for it. Hit the snooze button, Cancer.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
It’s difficult to please everyone, and sometimes you just can’t please anyone. Tension may make you tetchy and this week, you need to keep a cool head. If you’re feeling crowded, break away for a while – a supportive cosmos encourages a few days of rest or solitude. Soon enough, you should emerge revitalised and knowing your worth.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
Energy takes a temporary dive this week, as weary Virgos retreat. The upside? What you don’t do for yourself you’ll do for others and, in time, this selflessness will be repaid. Perhaps not immediately, but favours are often returned just when you need them most. This is a time when one small kindness towards others could make all the difference.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
Every now and then, you question whether you’re content. Sometimes, this concerns relationships, but the focus this week falls more on work. Remember, you can find a resolution to most problems. Either sort it or change direction – the choice is yours. This week it’s directness that will win you favours.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
Help can often come from mysterious quarters and we don’t always know who’s pulling the strings on our behalf, or why. If this is happening, don’t question it. If the cosmos signals it’s time for a spend-up, don’t argue. Half of life’s negatives are due to our failure to act on the positives.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
Sagittarians live the paradox of being people-orientated but are easily stifled when confined. If someone tries to bolt a ball and chain around your thoughts or actions, you may be tempted to make a run for it. Truth is, some consider your plans to be unrealistic, but don’t forget these are your dreams. Go make them happen.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
If someone is suddenly taking potshots at you, it’s because you’ve only just come into their sights. Being noticed has its upside, but it also finds you in the crosshairs. Envious colleagues are happy to gun down your dreams. Sidestep, swiftly and often. And there’s no need to broadcast your innermost thoughts. Keep everything under wraps.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
Life may continue to feel like an uphill struggle, with challenges causing frustration. Should things not go to plan, relax. Calm that anxious mind and you’ll find the strength to battle on. From adversity comes victory, and a supreme sense of satisfaction. It’s only a matter of time before problems ease.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Mars rules your home and family sector this week, drawing attention to personal matters. Enhance your living space so that it can nourish your hopes and dreams. Perhaps, too, you should reconnect with your past. Memories, happy and sad, will help you recognise life patterns. Forgiveness and trust open the way for unconditional love.
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