People are very particular about how they want to be buried. Picture: Pixabay
I’ve so often heard people describe what they want their funeral to be like. These ideas are often shared at funerals.
Many people are so particular about what they want that they even write their wishes into their will.
People take out funeral policies to ensure that they get the funeral they want.
Of course, one will never know how your funeral will actually end up being because, well, you’ll be dead of course!
However, this anti-crisis solutions coach is offering a service that will allow people to experience their own funerals – including by being buried alive.
A Russian start-up company owned by Yekaterina Preobrazhenskaya is offering clients the opportunity to arrange their own funerals for 3.5 million roubles (about R1 million). This service even includes being buried alive.
According to her Instagram post, Preobrazhenskaya believes that “Staging Your Own Funeral” will give you the opportunity to “say goodbye to a low life, irrevocably burn bridges to a dull past, rethink your life and reach personal success without mistakes.”
She continues by saying, “Not only will you restore faith in yourself and a happy future, but you will also regain your great mission, potential and love for life in all its diversity.”
The offer comes in two packages: the “online funeral” and the “full immersion”.
According to Moskvich Magazine, the first package, which costs 600 000 roubles (about R160k), is advertised as “stress therapy for fears and anxieties” and promises to allow the client to “close chapters” in their lives and undergo “divine healing” and “rising from the ashes.”
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Those who opt for the “full immersion” package will be able to go through a full funeral carried out according to their religious preferences.
The client will be placed in a coffin and buried for up to 60 minutes, followed by a “mandatory revival with an all-around revived awareness of their mission.”
Clients are expected to emerge from the coffin with a renewed “desire to live” and will also be able to keep their coffin as a souvenir.
In her opinion, the ceremony will help in the fight against burnout.
Read the latest issue of IOL Health digital magazine here.
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