Image: @kyliejenner/Instagram
As modern, independent women – we often drive alone; we get ourselves where we need to be day or night. Women are regarded in the insurance industry as "safer” drivers and less likely to be in a road accident.
The sad reality, however, is that even though all motorists need to be alert and cautious, female drivers, unfortunately must be even more vigilant in order to avoid falling prey to criminal acts such as hijacking, intimidation or worse.
With these kinds of hazards in mind,, supported by Motus Ford (previously Imperial Ford), suggest these 10 safety tips for women traveling alone:
Take note of your surroundings, it is also wise to be cognisant and aware of landmarks as it may come in handy should you need to inform someone of your whereabouts.
When you park, always do so in a well-lit parking area with frequent movement from other shoppers or security personnel. Do not linger in your car, move swiftly – lingering makes you vulnerable to predators.
Do not leave your handbag, purse, phone, laptop, or any valuables in plain sight. The last thing you want is to attract smash-and-grabbers – leaving valuables in sight will make you more of a target.
Make sure you know the route you will be traveling, to avoid getting lost or having to stop in awkward places.
Map it out or programme it into your GPS before you go. Do not drive in the dark if you are not familiar with the surroundings. It is also a good habit to always let someone know where you are going to ensure your own safety.
You simply cannot just trust anyone. Be aware of police impersonators, hitchhikers and “stranded motorists”. If a police vehicle tries to pull you over and you feel unsafe, acknowledge them and indicate that you wish to be followed to the nearest police station or public area.
TIP: Do not ever assume that an unmarked vehicle with flashing lights is a police car.
Use a GPS or the maps application on your phone to give you directions. Make sure your phone is charged as you will need it to get help should anything happen to you.
A well-maintained car is less likely to break down or give you problems. Keep your car in good mechanical condition and have it serviced regularly at a reputable service centre, especially if you frequently drive alone.
Also, make sure your car insurance covers you for roadside assistance and keep their emergency help number handy.
Always check your fuel level before traveling anywhere. You do not want to be making random stops at unfamiliar petrol stations in the dark, in areas you are not familiar with.
Be wary of the common distractions that could also leave you more vulnerable and open to preying criminals. When driving, avoid answering your phone and always keep your eyes on the road.
Remember to always keep a safe following distance to allow yourself the opportunity to escape should danger arise. Always keep your doors locked and windows opened at a controlled level.
If you feel uneasy, trust your gut.
Drive straight to a place of safety – a family member or friends’ home or the nearest police station.
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By Sheryl Thiel. This article was originally published on IOL.
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