
Time to Groove

Staff Reporter|Published

A fund-raising show called Time to Groove will take place at the Joseph Auditorium in Athlone on Friday and Saturday November 24 and 25, at 8pm. On the line-up are Leslie Kleinsmith, Sumaya Hendricks, Fasieg de Villiers, Jamia Jacobs, Terry Del Carmen, Nuraan Boltman, Vezz, pictured, and Protege. Funds will be raised for Soffiyas Feeding Foundation in Kewtown and the Ieghsaan van der Schyff Foundation in Lotus River. Food will be sold from 6pm. Tickets cost R120 for pensioners; R150 for general and R200 for VIP. There is a special deal where you pay for 10 tickets and get two extra. Call Danyaal Adams on 063 674 0515 for more information.