Botanists and authors, Dr John Manning from Mowbray with Nick Helme from Scarborough.
Local botanists, John Manning and Nick Helme, launched Ericas of the Fynbos in the Kirstenbosch Botanical Society bookshop on Wednesday March 13.
The Erica genus has 860 worldwide with 680 species in South Africa and 170 of the region’s most common plants described in detail in this guide.
The guide is a must-have for all flower enthusiasts, gardeners and hikers, providing the confidence to accurately identify ericas in the wild.
Botanists and authors, Dr John Manning from Mowbray with Nick Helme from Scarborough.Ericas of the Fynbos book designer, Gillian Black of Plumstead, left, with Terry Crafford of Claremont.Botanical Society bookshop staff, Chanel Hyser of New Woodlands with Vanessa Marquard of Steenberg. Marius and Lenette Van Wyk from Mouille Point enjoying the launch.Wine, snacks and books, from left, Ruth Prescott from Newlands; Susan Armstrong from Plumstead and Sally Hey from Claremont.Enjoying the launch, Di Longmore from Constantia with Dirk Muller from Constantia and Lucille Krige from Claremont. Lauren Metcalf from Hout Bay with Henning Burden from Constantia; Johan October from Hout Bay and Pieter Winter from Newlands.