James Grace has a few surprises up his sleeve for the concert at St George’s Cathedral.
A regular series of “walk-in” lunch concerts for the summer season, offering a variety of classical music in an informal and friendly way, will take place in St George’s Cathedral in the Cape Town city centre.
The concerts in St George’s Unplugged are introduced by the musicians, and patrons are invited to sit, unwind, unplug and contemplate through music in the iconic surroundings of the cathedral.
The first concert at 1.15pm on Tuesday January 14 features award-winning classical guitarist James Grace who will present a programme of works from Spain to South Africa.
Concerts are free of charge as the Cathedral remains an open space for all, but donations online and at the door are welcome to help cover running costs and also fund-raise for the Cathedral's much needed building repairs and maintenance. Facilities for credit card and cash will be available.
All concerts are listed on Quicket where you can also reserve your attendance and make a donation in advance.
The concert lined up for Thursday January 16 features Grant Brasler with an exploration of the famous Hill organ, which has a history dating back to 1675.
The concerts will take place every Tuesday and Thursday at 1.15pm from Tuesday January 14 to Thursday March 27.
Unplugged Concerts are hosted by the Cape Town Concert Series.
For more information email info@ctconcerts.co.za
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