Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor. Picture: Supplied
In today’s world, fake news and alternate facts have become the new norm. It is essential to recognise the importance of truthfulness in our personal and professional lives.
The invisible tendency of unjust truths, lies, or deceit can hijack our reality, leaving us questioning what is real and what is not. Our reality feels similar to living in a funhouse of mirrors where reflections are warped and reality is skewed. This article aims to bring awareness to the importance of spotting untruths and uncovering what is true.
The Untruth Epidemic: Untruths can be spread across all communication channels – social media, texts, emails and whispered conversations, infecting our relationships and tainting our perception of reality. But, at what cost? The lines between truths and untruths blur, leaving us with a fragile sense of self, propped up by the fleeting admiration of onlookers.
Let’s explore the concept of ‘Viriago’, a term that combines ‘virus’ and ‘égo’. This network virus boosts individual self-importance and online presence by feeding off someone else’s weaknesses and insecurities. In today’s world, where misinformation spreads like wildfire, it is crucial to develop a keen sense of discernment to separate fact from fiction.
The Dangers of ‘Viriago’, At first glance, fabricated untruths may seem harmless, even flattering – who wouldn’t want to be trending online or have their social media feeds flooded with likes and comments? However, those infected are unwittingly spreading misinformation in the name of staying relevant and popular, feeding on their insecurities and exploiting our deepest desires for validation and attention.
Part of embracing truthfulness is confronting our own truths and being honest with ourselves and others about our limitations and boundaries. Being assertive safeguards our personal and professional lives by setting clear expectations, communicating them unapologetically and being willing to say ‘no’ when necessary. By doing so, we clear the fog of doubts, illuminating the path to self-discovery and making our journey feel more authentic.
The Power of Truthfulness, though untruths may reign supreme to a certain extent, leaving us doubting, it’s easy to get caught up in the noise. Yet, truth always reveals itself in its own fashion, stylishly debunking the falsehoods that once held us captive. Just like the audience in ancient Rome, we are drawn into the epic story of Maximus in the movie ‘Gladiator’. As the scenes unfold, the powerful words and soaring soundtrack transport us to a world where honour, duty and truthfulness take centre stage.
Untruths can be unveiled, what if individuals already know the truths but choose to play ‘the fool’ card, feeding their insecurities and secretly celebrating as they fan the flames of untruths? Maybe, reminisce on the ‘untruths’ to support their fabricated reality, oblivious to the fact that truthfulness ultimately triumphs revealing their true reflection.
However, untruths can be unveiled if we show a genuine interest in hearing both sides of a story. Those who only listen to one side are, in effect, supporting the spread of untruths.
As we search for answers on our journey to self-discovery, we are reminded of the transformative power of truthfulness. Just as Maximus stood firm against the Roman Empire, we too can stand firm in our truth, even when the world around us seems to contradict it.
By recognising our inner truth and living authentically, we can shape an authentic pathway away from the demands of societal expectations towards growth and development. As we envision a healthier-minded future, and the next generation, why not equip the children of tomorrow to be beacons of truth, anchored in a guiding light of transparency, in an attempt to unlock their inner genius?
Self-awareness is a critical aspect of truthfulness. Being aware of our strengths, weaknesses and limitations allows us to make informed decisions and set realistic goals. It is essential to acknowledge our biases and prejudices, recognising how they impact our perceptions and interactions. By doing so, we can begin to break away from the untruths of misinformation and start building a more authentic self.
Empathy plays a vital role in truthfulness, allowing us to understand and relate to others. When we are open to placing ourselves in someone else’s shoes, we are more likely to see the truth from their perspective. This does not mean we have to agree with their views, but rather, it enables us to engage in constructive dialogue and build bridges of understanding.
History has shown us time and time again that truth always surfaces, even after days, months or years of deception and misinformation. In today's world, where misinformation and disinformation are rampant, it is more important than ever to learn how to spot untruths and uncover what is true.
Untruths can take many forms, from fake news and alternative facts to manipulated data and misinformation. When we fail to identify and challenge these untruths, they can have serious consequences, including erosion of trust, damage to our relationships, and undermining our decision-making abilities.
The truth has a way of revealing itself and when it does, it’s always a profound moment of reckoning, one that can change the course of our lives forever.
Anolene Thangavelu Pillay is a Psychology Advisor.
Daily News
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