KZN Premier Thami Ntuli and provincial police commissioner Lieutenant-General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi during a raid at a warehouse that was selling expired and counterfeit food and clothing items. | Supplied
Once again we are left dumbfounded by the lack of accountability and oversight at our ports in Durban. Multiple expired food items plus antibiotics have been found in a warehouse on the Bluff.
SAPS provincial police commissioner Lieutenant-General Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi said in an interview with SABC News that they are looking into the matter. He spoke with real authority and reminded me of an old school gentleman who respects and deserves his position. We need more tough-talking, no-nonsense leaders like him in our weakened SAPS, since Bheki Cele failed so dismally at keeping us all safe.
The fact that so many of these expired, life-threatening food items could make their way into our country and into shops, albeit spaza shops, so easily and so undetected, leaves one wondering how secure our import/export processes really are.
What a shame! Like so many other failed and unexplained service deliveries and situations, South African people are left in the dark by our spineless, jellyfish president Cyril Ramaphosa. If it's not the Guptas landing in Waterkloof undetected or military operations taking place illegally within our borders, it's ships carrying weapons docking in our bay at Simon’s Town or our no.1 man stashing large sums of cash under his couch. What a circus!
Not to mention the Vrede Dairy Farm scandal by Ace Magashule or the laughable Zondo Commission where Jacob Zuma simply walked out, showing his utter disrespect for law and order.
If our government cannot even protect us from consuming harmful foods laced with pesticides and other dangerous poisons, how do we continue trusting that it will even get the basics right, such as giving us clean drinking water or collecting our rubbish routinely, as they should. What is our tax money being used for? Shame on this ANC-led clown government! It's time to clean up this country!
The views expressed here are not necessarily those of Independent Media or IOL.
Daily News