The eThekwini Municipality has warned the public to expect restricted water on Thursday as they work on the Wiggins Treatment Water Works Gravity System. Picture: Jonas Kim / Pixabay
Image: Jonas Kim / Pixabay
Durban — The eThekwini Municipality has warned the public of water restrictions as work is required on reservoirs supplied through the Wiggins Treatment Water Works Gravity System.
The water restrictions are expected on Thursday between 8am and 4pm.
In a statement, the City said its Water and Sanitation Unit (EWS) will close its valves on Thursday for uMngeni-uThukela Water to assess work conditions in preparation for their major shutdown in August. This shutdown is to replace 1 200mm diameter sales meters on the gravity bulk pipeline.
The statement added that for this assessment to be undertaken by uMngeni-uThukela Water, the City’s valves will be closed, and the scour will then be opened to drain out water from the pipeline. This will be done to assess how much water is passing to determine if the contractor can replace meters under safe conditions.
“This work forms part of measures to curb water losses and to improve water supply to reservoirs supplied through the Wiggins Treatment Water Works Gravity System,” the statement said.
The City urged the public to reduce their consumption leading up to the shutdown and post the shutdown.
EWS head Ednick Msweli said the uMngeni-uThukela Water’s Wiggins Waterworks was not coping with the current demand.
“UMngeni meets contracted volumes, however, current demand is higher than contracted volumes. The reservoir at Wiggins Waterworks is low and this impacts our reservoirs including the one supplying the Bellair area,” Msweli said.
He concluded by saying uMngeni-uThukela Water was building up storage for reservoir recovery and constantly working with the entity.
Affected areas:
Central Reservoirs
Glenwood, Bulwer, parts of Morningside, parts of Overport, parts of Essenwood, parts of Berea, parts of Westridge, Congella, Sea View, Umbilo, Isipingo Beach, Isipingo Hills, Isipingo Rail, Orient Hills, Prospecton Industrial, uMlazi T, Malaba Hills, Reunion, uMlazi V, uMlazi Mission A, Ezimbokodweni, Lotus Park, Malagazi, Malukazi, uMlazi U, uMlazi Y, Durban Airport, Jacobs, Merebank East, Merewent, Mobeni, Mobeni West, Bayhead, Beach, Beachwood, Cave Rock, CBD, Durban beachfront, Esplanade, Fynnlands, Island View, Maydon Beach, Old Fort, Point, South Beach, Stamford Hill, Umbilo, Warwick, Austerville, Brighton Beach, Stavac, Wentworth, Grosvenor, Montclair, Rossburgh, Woodlands, Sea View, parts of Carrington Heights, parts of Woodlands, parts of Woodhaven, parts of Mobeni Heights, parts of Lamontville, and Prince Mshiyeni Hospital.
South Reservoirs
Psychiatric Hospital, African Explosives and Chemical Industries, Ezimbokodweni and South Gate Industrial Park, Athlone Park, Amanzimtoti CBD, Almond, Kingsburgh, Lower Illovo, Doonside, Illovo Beach, Panorama Park, Umgababa, Mgobhozi, Mfume, KwaSoni, Mashiwase, Nkwali, Lovu, Bhekulwandle, Kwamakhutha, Mkhazini, Ezimbokodweni, Fakazi, KwaMgendwa, Ohlongeni, Ekuphileni, Mahlathini, Adams Mission, Umnini, Magabheni, Ehlanzeni, Thoyane, Umkhomazi, Craigieburn, Amahlongwa, Amalundi, Crowder Farm, and Scottburgh.
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