workout, fitness, festive fitness, routine Man pulling gym workout dumbbells, Image: Pexels
Do you want to have bigger muscles ? For that you have to train, lift weights, eat well and be consistent with your workouts, but you can also do some tricks to make the process faster and your results more impressive.
According to Brandon White, one of the bodybuilders behind the popular YouTube channel Buff Dudes , he says there is a way to “hack” your training routine, which is going to allow you to get an edge and have the best muscle work, to keep you motivated, on pace and on track to reach your goals in record time.
And these aren't crazy gimmicks, but points that have been proven time and again and even have a little science to back them up. These are tricks that seem simple, but can actually make a huge difference.
The thing is, getting big muscles (and superior strength )isn't just about lifting weights, it's about doing things right and finding something that helps you not to throw in the towel too early, to have a better record of your progress and work harder.
In his video, White talks about 8 key elements that don't just have to do with the weight of your weights or the number of repetitions.
Find your kryptonite: White says you have to find an enemy, which is a person in the same gym that you want to beat, which will drive you to want to work harder and in better shape, to overcome that enemy.
This is a trick that seeks to help you not lose motivation and prevents you from getting bored.
Several layers of clothing: the expert says that the clothes you wear have an impact on your state of mind, this is because it can alter the perception you have of yourself and your body, which can lead you to lose concentration.
What it recommends is to cover more the areas that you are not going to work that day, so you can focus on the muscles that touch you.
Get close to mirrors: training in front of a mirror will not only help you track your progress, but it's the easiest way to check that you have the correct form for each workout, especially if you don't have the help of a coach .
Get a gym bag: White says that this is your toolbox, carrying a bag means that you will have everything you need at hand, so you will be able to do all your exercises without problems, or without depending on someone to help you loan the weights, rubber bands or mats they are using.
Do not skip the rest: many believe that to see results you have to train every day, but doing so can lead to fatigue and that means that you are not going to train properly.
It is important that you allow your muscles to have enough rest, so they can repair and recover.
Look for alternatives: White says there are many ways to work the same muscle, even if you don't have any apparatus or a full set of equipment.
Don't give up just because you don't have a well-equipped gym, but take it as an opportunity to try new methods and other tools.
Find what motivates you: motivation is what will prevent you from throwing in the towel or skipping days because you don't feel like training.
Find something to help keep your motivation high, like writing positive messages at home, taking photos to track your progress, or even creating playlists to help you train better.
Record your lifts: White recommends that you record yourself while you lift weights, this will help you to notice the changes in your body, but also to be able to realize what you need to correct or improve, learning from the mistakes you make so as not to repeat them .
[ Via GQ Mexico]
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