Consumers contemplating debt counselling should first understand the terms and conditions. Picture: Simphiwe Mbokazi.
Anne-Carien du Plooy
THE National Credit Act introduced debt counselling in 2007 as a debt-relief measure that could assist over-indebted consumers through providing budget advice, negotiating with credit providers for reduced payments and restructuring debt, thereby protecting the consumer from legal action by credit providers.
Debt counselling is by no means a savings mechanism, and consumers should beware of misleading advertising that markets debt counselling by promising consumers monthly savings of about 60%.
Consumers contemplating debt counselling should first understand the terms and conditions. Debt counselling is not a free service; costs and fees are applicable.
Not everyone can qualify for debt counselling. In order to qualify for debt counselling, consumers must have a disposable income to enable negotiation for the reduction of instalments.
Only over-indebted consumers can qualify for debt counselling. If a consumer does not qualify, they will be rejected. It is therefore important for consumers contemplating debt counselling to approach only registered debt counsellors, who will advise them of all the terms and conditions and the costs and fees, as well as conduct proper financial assessments to determine whether the consumer can qualify for debt counselling.
The important considerations before contemplating debt counselling are:
Remember that debt counselling is not offered free of charge. It is imperative that consumers understand this and are aware of the costs upfront. Debt counselling fees are as follows:
Before signing up for debt counselling, consumers are advised to request information from their debt counsellor on how their debts will be restructured.
Once signed up, consumers should also request to be given all debt counselling-related documents, such as their application form, restructuring proposal and court order.
The National Credit Regulator also advises consumers to make use of debt counsellors who are in the vicinity of where they live or work, because this will enable them physically to visit the debt counsellor’s office if the need arises. It is also important to have your debt counsellor’s contact details, name, physical address, etc readily available.
Anne-Carien du Plooy is the acting manager: education and communication at the National Credit Regulator.
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