Adri Senekal de Wet is the Editor-in-Chief at Independent Media.
As the Editor-in-Chief of Independent Media, I feel compelled to address the ongoing and increasingly troubling actions of the Press Council, particularly in light of the recent ruling against us concerning Karyn Maughan and News24.
This statement reaffirms our position and makes clear our intentions moving forward. Recently, Independent Media sent letters of demand to the Press Council, challenging the allegations and the flawed process that led to the adverse decision against us.
In these communications, we highlighted the numerous procedural irregularities and the apparent bias that compromised the fairness of the hearing and the final ruling.
We sent these letters with the hope that the Press Council would recognize the validity of our concerns and take steps to rectify the situation.
Unfortunately, the response we received was dismissive. The Press Council’s refusal to make any concessions or even to seriously consider the points raised in our letters is deeply concerning.
This refusal not only disregards the legitimate grievances of Independent Media but also suggests an unwillingness on the part of the Press Council to engage in fair and constructive dialogue. It is with great reluctance that I must now state that if this pattern of harassment and disregard continues, Independent Media will have no choice but to withdraw from the Press Council.
We will not be coerced into apologizing for actions we firmly believe were justified and correct.
Our editorial independence and our right to publish diverse opinions without fear of retribution are non-negotiable principles that we will defend vigorously.
We have already provided copies of the demands we sent, which outline the specific issues we raised and the responses, or lack thereof, received from the Press Council.
These documents clearly illustrate our position and the steps we have taken to seek a fair resolution. However, the continued unwillingness of the Press Council to address these issues leaves us with little confidence in the integrity of this institution. Let me make it unequivocally clear: Independent Media will not be bullied into submission.
Our commitment to press freedom, the right to free speech, and the promotion of a diverse and robust public discourse is unwavering. We cannot and will not accept a situation where the Press Council is used as a tool to silence voices that challenge the status quo or to serve the interests of our rivals. Should the Press Council continue down this path, we are prepared to proceed with our plans to exit the Council.
We have already begun consultations with our legal team to explore all available options to ensure that our rights and the rights of our writers are fully protected.
Independent Media will continue to provide a platform for all voices, with or without the endorsement of the Press Council.
We urge the Press Council to reconsider its approach and take the necessary steps to restore its credibility and impartiality.
Until such time, we remain steadfast in our position and prepared to take whatever actions are necessary to safeguard the principles of free expression and journalistic integrity.
Adri Senekal de Wet is the Editor-in-Chief at Independent Media.