Doctors Without Borders mourns the loss of Jerry Muhindo Kavali, who was killed amid escalating violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, highlighting the urgent ...
South African history is replete with examples of Sassa beneficiaries being at the receiving end of either state incompetence or sheer ignorance.
With ease the ANC had its way with the Basic Education Laws Amendment or Bela, thwarted a DA minister’s attempt to withdraw the SABC Bill in Parliament and recently ...
President Cyril Ramaphosa announced he will send a delegation of government and other leaders to various capitals on the continent and across the world.
Trump had perfected his ‘fake news’ diversion strategy, until recently when he fell for the trap of fake news.
M23 rebels launched a mortar bomb in the direction of Goma Airport which landed in the SANDF base, killing three members.
U. N. Security Council members were locked in a meeting to discuss the crisis after the reported killings.
President Cyril Ramaphosa's signing of the Expropriation Bill into law has intensified political tensions, with opposition parties preparing legal challenges.
The draft by-law aims to ensure background checks are done on spaza shop owners, including citizenship status, and business licences cancelled in cases where they ...
That report, which remains unchallenged, was the first among many that were to be released after former State Security Agency head Arthur Fraser lodged a criminal ...
It’s unimaginable that so many people, mostly belonging to one family could be killed in such a callous manner.
Compliance with the country’s labour laws is important not only for the workers but also benefits the economy as well as creating a stable labour environment.
The sooner we, as a country, recognise that this is not a government problem alone, the better. ...
It’s not enough for NPA boss Shamila Batohi to blame another government department, the State Security Agency for apparently delaying their vetting.
The ANC has used its dominance to continue with its programme of action, while the DA has been a moaner, boxed into submission whenever there are areas of disagreement. ...
As controversial as the king is, his people respect his authority and often turn to him when confronted with challenges.
As we reported, her political history is a whisper in the background despite her resilience during these years, and indeed her story should be echoing through the ...
How did we get to this point, especially with Mashaba’s firm objective to remove ‘the corrupt’ ANC from public office?
Whether it’s through voting or holding the government accountable, young people must be at the centre of the change South Africa needs.
If one looks at recent history, especially in the Western Cape, the DA sugar-coats this problem.
The support of her colleagues within and outside of the Constitutional Court will go a long way in dismantling some of the barriers that may hinder her vision for ...
Unless the SACP follows its word with action, it will continue being irrelevant in the alliance.
By blaming the very same people who sought to punish the ANC for its shortcomings, the Presidency displays a concerning attitude that effectively shows the middle-finger ...
His participation in the JSC should in fact be seen as a welcome change, for Parliament has been represented by MPs with no experience, let alone being qualified ...
At all times she served South Africa with humility. No corruption scandals, just exemplary leadership.